
I am a visual artist, using moving-image, text and installation to re-examine dominant narratives across recent histories. Within a fictional or investigative framework, I follow how perceptions of technology and nature have been shaping human and non-human identities. Through analysing the ideological and cultural apparatuses that shaped perceptions of the technosphere and the biosphere, I question how and by whom have these knowledges been produced and how are they being experienced by different subjects.
Theory, popular culture, philosophy, myths, sci-fi, local beliefs, science, and personal experience have been the primary sources through which I carry out my research. My projects exist within constellations where individual works can have separate trajectories while still sharing a communal point of origin. Videos, texts, sculptures or events often emerge from the same theoretical and philosophical analytical path, creating spatial relations. 

My work originates from a deep feeling of urgency fuelled by the desire to comprehend reality and the systems of beliefs accumulated across colonial histories which have been affecting the use and creation of technological machines as well as global experiences and perceptions of the environment. I approach writing and filmmaking as propositional, rejecting both dominant ideologies and utopia and embracing hybrids such as theory-fiction, docu-fiction, slipstream, video essays, expanded cinema, and magic realism. 

Planetary, ecological and technological themes come to the surface through the experiences of beings/characters that originate from marginal places, at the edge of the world, and to whom things that are out of their control happen. 

Since 2023 I have been working between my day job at BAK, Basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht and my Rotterdam based studio-collective, Shed, which I initiated in 2022. I am also founded Film Mai Aproape Summer School in Romania, a free, alternative visual arts education program dedicated to teenagers.

Exhibitions & Screenings

2024 Go Short International Film Festival, Nijmigen (nomination for the Dutch competition)
2023 Melkweg, Amsterdam (screening during Amsterdam Dance Event in collaboration with Yara Said) 
2023 W139, Amsterdam (group exhibition)
2022 Tent, Rotterdam (group exhibition)
2021 Eye Museum, Amsterdam (group screening)2020 the wrong web (online exhibition) 
2019 Studio 3 Gallery, Canterbury (group exhibition)
2018 ICA, London (group screening)

Residencies, Grants, Summer School

2023 (residency) Salwa Foundation, Amsterdam 
2023 (grant) Shady Dealings With Money writers grant
2021 (summer school) Deep Sustainability: Dialogical Action Emerging Institutionalities @West Den Haag

Publications and Texts

Kid of the internet (EN) published by Onomatopee, Eindhoven, 2022

Readings & Talks

2022 Perdu, Amsterdam 

Film Programming

Palestine Solidarity Screening (December, 2023)  

Cinema Chloroplast (May, 2023)

Pass The Camera: works by Edwin Mingard (March, 2023)

Across the bridge towards the East (December, 2022)   

Shorts to the Point (2020 - 2023)  

Moscow Shorts (2020 - 2022)


MA Lens Based Media, Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam 

BA Film and Drama, The University of Kent, Canterbury